ByggPartner takes position in Western Sweden through acquisition of Flodéns
NORMA Law was trusted to advice ByggPartner i Dalarna Holding AB (publ), listed at Nasdaq First North Premier, when acquiring all shares in the holding company Flodén Byggnadspartners AB and its subsidiary Flodén Byggnadsaktiebolag (“Flodens”). NORMA’s team consisted of Anders Wennergren, Annika Freij, Joakim Zetterström, Louise Lindahl, Matilda Sjölin and Carolina Bergholtz. The deal is important in ByggPartner’s growth strategy and gives the company a strong regional base in Western Sweden.
ByggPartner is a refined construction company with operations in Dalarna, Gästrikland, Mälardalen and Stockholm.
A significant portion of the revenue, which in 2021 was SEK 2,3 billion, comes from operations in Dalarna. The company has been searching for a well-positioned and profitable company in the Gothenburg region as part of its growth strategy, which has been found in Flodéns. The sellers of the shares in Flodéns are Ernst Rosén AB as well as several key employees in the company, all which after the deal will become shareholders in ByggPartner. Flodéns employs approximately 70 people and has a turnover of approximately SEK 870 million.
After the acquisition, as well as the previously communicated acquisition of Åhlin & Ekeroth Byggnads AB, both conditional on approval from the Swedish Competition Authority and the Annual General Meeting, the ByggPartner Group will grow to an annual turnover of approximately SEK 4,5 billion. The initial purchase price of the shares in Flodéns corresponds to a corporate value of SEK 200 million cash-free/debt-free, of which SEK 125 million will be reinvested in ByggPartner.