
Land and environment

In Sweden, the Environmental Code and its associated regulations govern all actions that may affect our environment and natural resources to some extent. It includes rules on nature conservation, biodiversity and long-term sustainability to preserve and protect land resources and the environment for future generations. It includes provisions aimed at preventing and minimising negative environmental impacts of human activities, such as the release of hazardous substances into the air and water, and waste management.

It regulates how land, water and air can be used, developed and managed. Environmental issues can arise in many different forms of land use, for example in connection with the planning of an area, construction, waste management, use of chemicals, etc. When developing land that is contaminated, special considerations may be required regarding responsibility for investigations, decontamination or for their costs.

As a developer, tenant or property owner, you are therefore often affected by environmental regulations.

NORMA’s real estate team has long and solid experience of handling assignments in the field of environmental law through counselling and dispute resolution. This may involve, for example;

  • issues related to protected areas, such as Natura 2000, nature reserves and beach protection
  • species protection
  • management of contaminated land
  • municipal environmental inspections; and
  • authorisation of environmentally hazardous activities and water activities.

Contact our experts in Real estate

Anders Wennergren

Partner | Attorney at Law

Joakim Zetterström

Attorney at Law

Elin Lönnfält

Attorney at Law

Lovisa Almhagen

Paralegal | Team coordinator

Ellen Jarnung


Kristina Andersson

Partner | Attorney at Law

Jonas Öjelid

Partner | Attorney at law

Johan Rappmann

Senior counsel | Attorney at Law