
Commercial contract law

Everyone needs to deal with contracts and for most businesses there is a steady stream of different contracts passing by. This is of course why commercial contract law is one of NORMA’s core activities.

Drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts is something we do every day at NORMA. If you have questions about contracts, we certainly have the expertise and experience to help you, whether it’s commercial contracts in general or in specific areas such as intellectual property, labour law, public procurement or real estate.

It doesn’t matter if you need simple basic contracts in Swedish or complex contracts in English. At NORMA, we have experience with many different variations of contracts and customise them to your needs. The fact that we also work with commercial dispute resolution also means that we constantly try to identify specific risks where disagreements may arise and then propose alternatives to reduce risks in the contract.

Of course, at NORMA, we have experience of being on both sides of the type of contract you need. We therefore know what alternative solutions to a contract are available – both for you and your counterparty – and how to present them. At NORMA, we have the experience and knowledge to help you find the right wording and level of your contract.

Contact our experts in Corporate Commercial

Britta Sundvisson

Paralegal | Team coordinator

Marek Zdrojewski

Senior counsel | Attorney at Law

Annika Freij

Partner | Attorney at Law

Patrick Andersson

Specialist counsel | Attorney at Law

Linus Nilsson

Attorney at Law

Joakim Zetterström

Attorney at Law

Anders Wennergren

Partner | Attorney at Law

Matilda Sjölin

Attorney at Law

Victor Nilsson

Attorney at Law

Jakob Nortoft

Partner | Attorney at Law

Jonathan Ramsten

Attorney at Law