
Non-compete clauses and protection of trade secrets

In order to protect a company’s know-how and trade secrets, the parties can regulate in an employment contract what the employee is allowed to do during employment and for a certain period of time after termination of employment. This may include, for example, the handling of customer records and other information deemed to be trade secrets. It is important that these contractual terms are regulated based on the specific employment relationship and the company’s business in order to be valid.

NORMA’s lawyers have extensive experience in drafting non-competition clauses, but also customer protection clauses and non-solicitation clauses that can work to protect the company’s know-how.

Furthermore, NORMA can assist at a later stage when the unlawful competition is a fact, or when the company’s secrets have been illegally disclosed and the matter is subject to litigation.

Contact our team

Jakob Nortoft

Partner | Attorney at Law

Johanna Marklund

Paralegal | Team coordinator

Louise Lindahl

Attorney at Law | Bankruptcy trustee